Helping Adoptive Parents

Navigate the Tough Stuff

Raising an adopted teen that's struggling is intense and challenging.


If you are feeling bewildered and stressed out,


I can help.

Is your adopted child struggling with

Substance abuse, self harm, attachment disorder,  issues surrounding LGBTQIA+, emotional dysregulation, or extreme

behavior problems? 



Adoption is extremely demanding and very complex. You need actionable strategies to 




In my 3-month program

I coach virtually with couples,

co-parents, and solo parents.


Together we will:

Design a solid game plan
Learn how to stop fighting
Find ways to reconnect

Help your family thrive.

You desperately want your family’s success. Learn how to make critical changes of your own that will impact your family forever. 

Design a solid game plan

Confused on how to move forward? I will walk you through how to make a working home agreement. This provides your teen with consistency and structure. It provides you with a game plan that simplifies follow through.



Learn how to stop fighting

Learn what to actually say and do when something hard happens and your family is in crisis. Find out how to stop the knock-down drag-outs or stonewalling. Practice real-time skills that will change your parenting forever. 


Find ways to reconnect

You don't have to wait for your child to be "back on track" to reconnect. You will learn how to separate business (home agreement) from personal (supporting and loving) so you can stop feeling hurt and exhausted. 

My passion

I help adoptive parents find the joy of one of the most rewarding experiences they can have on this planet—raising children.

5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make

Much of what we do as parents turns out to be the opposite of what would help our teen. Make sure you aren't falling for these common pitfalls. 

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time