Helping Parents

Raise Resilient Teens

Raising a teen that's struggling is stressful.


If you are confused or worried,


I can help.

Is your child struggling with

Substance abuse, LGBTQIA issues, emotional challenges, self harm, or behavior problems? 



In this 3-month program, you will learn actionable strategies through one-to-one coaching.


I work with couples, co-parents, single parents, and grandparents, anyone involved in helping your child succeed.


Together we will:

Design a solid game plan
Learn how to stop reacting
Find ways to reconnect

Help your child thrive.

You want your child’s success. Learn how to best support their changes and make important changes of your own. 

Design a solid game plan

Confused on how to move forward? I will walk you through how to set reasonable boundaries and appropriate consequences. This provides your child with consistency and safety.



Learn how to stop reacting

Learn what to do or say when something hard happens. Find out how to stop reacting to your child's behavior. Practice real-time skills that will change your parenting forever.


Find ways to reconnect

You don't have to wait for your child to be "back on track" to reconnect. Learn how separating your emotions from theirs will actually bring you closer.

What I am passionate about!

I help parents find the joy of one of the most rewarding experiences they can have on this planet—raising children.

5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make

Much of what we do as parents turns out to be the opposite of what would help our teen. Make sure you aren't falling for these common pitfalls. 

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time